solves gluing-problems

The hot-melt spray system TR 80 LCD from reka is made for spraying reactive glue contained in cartridges. Dot- and line application are possible as well. If the TR 80 LCD is used with the reusable cartridge, non-reactive granulates and pillows can also be applied.

Versatile usage: Laboratories and production

The combination of the TR 80 LCD and the reusable cartridge is perfect for material evaluation, process tests and small batches or rework. For testing reactive hot-melts reka also offers single use cartridges.

Your benefits:

  • Thermoplastic glues in cartridges can be swapped easily and mess free.
  • Non-reactive material can be used later on.
  • No unintended mixing of different materials/glues.
  • No contamination of the glue gun with the used material/hot-melt. This keeps the applicator clean and low-maintenance.
  • Reduce cost by using the most versatile applicator: The TR 80 LCD can apply both reactive and non-reactive material. It is also capable of spray application as well as dots and lines. You have all capabilities with a single device!

Ease of use – Master of many applications

To work with the TR 80 LCD you only need electric power and air supply. The spray system comes with a stand that provides two pressure regulators and manometers that let you fine tune the application pattern. All parts for the regular spray application come with the applicator.


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Wide range of application patterns with different nozzles

The  nozzle portfolio for the TR 80 LCD allows the apply hot-melt in a lot of different ways.


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    Is your hot-melt reactive?

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